NB: This article is outdated. Please re-direct to the Scanomat portal for further information or contact your Scanomat/TopBrewer representative.
If having problems with Current BT Discover set-up, and the app is dropping out/disconnecting , we offer the following extensive solution.
Before doing the update
Make sure you are running 2.0.X or later (where X can be 0-10).
This Update includes setting the machine to a new KIOSK-mode, which is a setting where only one device is connected (In most instances an iPad), and not disrupted by other nearby devices.
Guide – Upgrade :
1.Download the firmware 2.0.4 (available through ScanomatNET or directly through Scanomat representative)
2.Open the Barista program, and choose Upload firmware. Choose the 2.0.4 file you just have saved and follow instructions.
3.When done unplug the computer safely, and restart the machine. Let the machine sleep for 5 second before turning ON again.
4.In the menu of the machine, go to Settings->BT Reset and press YES and then press the CLEAN button.
5.Restart the machine again ON/OFF (power cycle for reset – let it stay turned on for 10 seconds)
6.Restart the machine again ON/OFF (power cycle applying settings let it stay on for 10 seconds
7. Locate the Settings menu on the TopBrewer, and make sure the following parameters are set to;
BT Pairing = ON
BT Visible = ON
iOS Supp = ON
8. Locate the bluetooth menu on your iPad and forget the current machine pairing by pressing the symbol on the right.
9.The iPad will now discover the machine again. Select it to pair
9. When pairing successful, on the machine display go to the TopBrewer Settings menu in the machine and set BT Pairing to OFF.
Now the install should be successful, and you now have a clean install.
To note; the machine is also now in KIOS-mode, which means it won't reconnect or find other devices (Safest mode you can be in, in terms of a stabile connection)
The rule set for KIOSK-mode is the following;
1. One device is connected
2. BT Pairing set to OFF
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