In many situations it can be necessary to send a SCT folder to Scanomat support for analysis of a current problem. Please do the following to perform this task:
Have the machine turned OFF
1. Connect your programming cable to your laptop and coffee machine
2. Turn ON the coffee machine on the switch on the front of of the machine.
3. Your computer is now 'connected' to the machine. A USB drive should appear or you should be able to locate it in 'This Computer' (Windows)' or in 'Finder' (Mac).
4. Click on the USB drive.
5. Locate the folder in root called 'SCT_0003'
6. Copy it to the desktop on your computer
7. Safe eject the USB cable from the machine.
8. You should now be able to compress/zipp the folder and sent it to us by e-mail (or this current thread)
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