Information for new service technicians
Below you will find a short list of the errors that may show in the display. The first part shows the display text and second part is informative and without abbreviations.
Errors which can be solved by users
"Door open !" / "Door open":
"No dreg bin " / "Dreg bin missing":
"No W-tray" / "Waste tray missing":
"W-tray full" / "Waste tray full.":
"Fill water !" / "Water missing":
- The water tank has not been filled within the time limit. For machines with old firmware this message also appeared in connection with the built-in flow meter of the brew unit. See "Flow issue".
"Flow issue" / "Freshbrewer water flow issue":
The new firmware has separated ”Fill water” from ”Flow issue” so that “Flow issue” means BUT the flow meter.
"No beans !" / "Beans missing":
The brew unit informs that there are no beans available – this may occur on machines without bean-sensors or if the bean sensor is out of order and starts an espresso beverage without beans.
"Needs clean!" / "Needs cleaning":
To ensure that the machines are being cleaned there is a possibility of forcing the users to do so. We call it "Forced clean".
Setup - System Settings - "Max Clean Timer (hour)": Recommended hourly interval between cleanings. Setup - Swiches - "ForcedClean": If activated, the ”Max Clean Timer” is not only recommended but also required. If "Forced Clean" is not activated you may still dispense beverages without cleaning.
"Boot w door!" / "Brewer requires door closed on power on.":
Solution for user: Re-start the machine with the door closed.
Solution for technician: Old software in the brew unit cannot handle start-up if the door is open – upgrade the firmware (master board) of the brew unit and the error disappears.
"Drip tray" / "Drip tray full":
"Bean 1 empty" / "Bean hopper 1 empty":
"Bean 2 empty" / "Bean hopper 2 empty":
"Dregbin full" / "Dreg bin full":
"Scraper err" / "Scraper error":
The machine is to be cleaned, or the display message is owing to a set-up error.
"Top pist err" / "Top piston error":
The machine is to be cleaned, or the display message is owing to a set-up error.
"Low pist err" / "Bottom piston error":
The machine is to be cleaned, or the display message is owing to a set-up error.
Errors to be solved by technicians
"No brewer !" / "Brewer group missing":
The main/Barista PCB cannot communicate with the master PCB/brew unit. Remember that the slave board must be online to supply power to the master.
"No slave!" / "Slave module missing":
The main/Barista PCB cannot communicate with the slave board.
"SD card N/A!" / "SD card N/A":
The small memory card of the main PCB is not available/cannot be found.
"Setup error" / "Setup check failed":
The file holding the machine set-up, Setup.xml, cannot be read/handled properly or is defective.
"Ext. UI err!" / "External Userinterface error":
External UserInterface is the generic name for bluetooth. In future we may have a wired connection so we call it external interface contrary to keyboard. In connection with upgrading to v.3.2 series we have seen this error in connection with machines without a brew unit. We are dealing with a non-critical error which may show just after the up-grading, but it disappears when booting the machine once.
"Dose overl." / "Dosing motor overload":
"Whip overl." / "Whipper motor overload":
Overcurrent protection: The whipper motors of the Venezia machines have loaded too much power and may require cleaning.
"Steam R. err" / "Steamer temperature sensor out of range error":
"Temp. R. err" / "Pre-heater sensor out of range error":
"Brewer R err" / "Brewer temperature sensor out of range error":
Range error means ended or cut, i.e. an electrical error.
"Steam heater error" / "S.heater err":
"P.heater err" / "Pre-heater error":
"B.heater err" / "Brewer heater error":
Heater error means too much heat compared to the set point.
"Ext W. full" / "External waste full":
"Piston slide" / "Top piston slide error":
"Piston slide" means that the pressure has been too high for the top piston to keep its position. The Top Piston Slide error is shown when the top piston is dangerously close to leaving the chamber. The O-ring is ruined if the top piston leaves the chamber under pressure.
If this happens often, i .e. daily when dispensing many cups or weekly when dispensing few cups, the following can be done:
Change the start position of the top piston at the start of the brewing cycle so that it will not slide past the limit. Do so (Setup – Fresh Brewer) by changing "Position for top piston during brew" by 10 for instance, e.g. from 650 to 660 – maximum 660, or follow the next way of solving the problem.
Up-date the brew unit to a later version.
"DR. pump err" / "Drain pump error":
The pump was unable to drain the canister within the time allowed.
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